Monday, May 11, 2020

Troubles or No Troubles...Fear Not!

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 5th week in Easter time

May 12, 2020: Acts 14: 19-28; John 14: 27-31a

"It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God," say Sts. Paul and Barnabas (Acts 14:22). Elsewhere in the Acts (see 5:41) we read, "they rejoiced that they were considered worthy to suffer dishonour for the sake of the name" of Jesus, after having received severe flogging. The apostles startled the world around them with their fearlessness! Nothing could contain them or control them. They were overwhelmed with enthusiasm, for they felt the presence of the Risen Lord with them.

In today's Gospel, after giving his peace, the Lord instructs: 'do not let your hearts be troubled!', for the peace that he gives us is unlike the peace that the world gives. The peace offered by the world is a peace of compromises and conveniences, a peace of inaction and suspicious silence! But the Peace that Christ gives, is the peace of the Reign, the peace that comes from justice and equality, peace that comes from true love and compassion. It is no contract of just war or war against terrorism; but a total cessation of war or corruption or injustice or any inhumanity! 

This peace, Jesus has given us as he promised! It is enshrined in the Word. If only we live the Word we shall realise that our life shall be founded on true love for the entire humanity and compassion for the least and the last. How blessed it shall be, if we realised this truth. And once we do so, we are called to witness to it and challenge the world to do the same. Our call is to spread it, take it to every heart that longs, to every corner of the earth. 

When we begin doing it, we shall certainly face troubles, floggings, stonings, criticisms, threats and persecutions. The times are near for that and in some cases it is already here... but let us fear not; and let not our hearts be troubled!