Saturday, March 28, 2015


PALM SUNDAY 2015: 29th March, 2015

Beginning a journey with the Lord

The day marks the beginning of a journey with the Lord: as a crowd of people, a crowd of people with so many mindsets...

There were those who were there to find fault with him and arrest him...
There were those who were there curious to see some spectacle of signs...
There were those who were there to see if what they heard about this man called Jesus was really true...
There were those who were there who did not have a clue as to what was happening, they were carried away by the crowd...
There were those who were there enjoying the fun of the crowd, and having a great time of festivity...
There were those who were there who had made it from far places, merely to see if they can catch a glimpse of Jesus whom they heard of...
There were those who were there who had followed him right from Galilee, who were unable to leave his side because of the personality that he was...
There were those who were there who were so involved in his teachings, who found his words too precious to be missed...
There were those who were there who were part of his life, they shared his everyday and shared his every dream...
There were those who were there who were concerned about him, aware of the impending danger, but still wanted to be there for him...

Now...take a look within..where do you find yourself in this crowd?
What is your mindset today... as we begin this week long journey with the Lord? It is going to be a trying journey, a journey of sorts, a journey which is going to be a real challenge! Where do you find yourself? 


To gather into one

Fifth week in Lent: Saturday, 28th Mar, 2015
Ezek 37: 21-28; Jn 11: 45-56

Going around places these days with a team of people, putting up an hour long lenten programme, I consider it a moment of pride and never miss out on the opportunity of introducing the volunteer team, and of it a very special person in the team! The person is a brother in Christ from a Pentecostal Church! We have another person, in fact a pastor, from a mainline non catholic church. And our team is a Catholic organisation!

The readings today seem to give us a clue to understand the mission of the Son of God. As he himself announces, it is to gather into one all the dispersed children of God, dispersed geographically, spiritually, economically, politically and in every other way. Jesus seems to be the son of David, promised in all eternity to gather not merely the two nations (Judah and Israel), but all dispersed children of God into one. We are called to be agents of unity and harmony, uniting people in love and building a humanity that is joyful. If we are against such unity, even though merely in thought or merely in single instances, we are not in line with the mission of the Saviour. He would say, 'if you don't gather with me, you scatter!' (cf. Lk 11:23; Mt 12:30). How much am I ready to do, by way of bringing true peace, harmony and love, wherever I am?