Wednesday, January 24, 2018

சனவரி 25: மனமாற்றம் - கடவுளுக்கான முழுமன தேர்வு

கடவுளை நோக்கிய வாழ்வுக்கான மாற்றம்

தூய பவுலடிகளாரின் மனமாற்றத்தை நினைவுகூரும் நாள் இன்று. நமது மனமாற்றத்தை குறித்து சிந்திக்க அழைக்கிறது இவ்விழா. இன்றைய  காலச்சூழலில் மனமாற்றமும் மதமாற்றமும் ஒன்றிற்கொன்று குழப்பம் தரக்கூடிய சொற்களாக  பயன்படுத்த டுகின்றன. நற்செய்தி அறிவிப்பு என்பது மதமாற்றத்தை நோக்கியதல்ல, மாறாக மனமாற்றத்தை நோக்கியது என்று நாம் ஆழமாக இன்று புரிந்துகொள்ள முயல்வோம். நற்செய்தியை அறிவிக்காவிடில் ஐயோ எனக்கு கேடு (1 கொரி 9:16) என்று கூறுவதை மனதிற்கொள்வோம். 

ஒவ்வொரு நாளும் நற்செய்தி நம்மை வந்து அடைந்த வண்ணமே உள்ளது... அன்று பவுலடிகளாருக்கு ஏற்பட்ட பெரும் காட்சியை போல் இல்லை எனினும், இறைவனின் வார்த்தை நம்மோடு பேசாத தினமே இல்லை, பேசாத பொழுதே இல்லை என்பதே உண்மை. அவ்வாறிருக்க, நாம் இவ்வார்த்தையை உணர்ந்து உள்வாங்குகின்றோமா, ஒவ்வொரு நாளும் மனம் மாறுகின்றோமா என்பதே கேள்வி. இந்த மனமாற்றம் என்பது இறைவனை நோக்கிய பயணம், முழுமையாய் கடவுளை தேர்ந்துக்கொள்ளும் வாழ்க்கை, முழுமனதோடு முழு உள்ளத்தோடு, முழு ஆன்மாவோடு, வாழ்வின் முழு ஆற்றலோடு இறைவனை தெரிந்துகொள்ளும் வாழ்க்கை முறை. இது அன்றாட வாழ்வின் ஒரு சவால் தானே?

 இறைவன் தன் பேசுகிறார் என்று உணர்ந்த மறு தருணமே தரையில் கிடந்த சவுல் கேட்கும் கேள்வியை காணுங்கள்: இறைவா நான் என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும்? இதுவல்லவா நாம் தினம்தினம் கேட்க வேண்டிய கேள்வி - இறைவா இன்று நான் என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும் என்று எதிர்பார்க்கின்றீர்? உம்மை தேர்ந்துகொண்ட வாழ்வு வாழ நான் உண்மையில் என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும்? 

Conversion - an absolute choice for God!


25th January: Conversion of St. Paul
Acts 22: 3-16; Mk 16: 15-18

The feast of Conversion of St. Paul invites us to reflect on our conversion. Unfortunately, in today's context, the word 'conversion' has more political connotation than spiritual! 

In fact today is a beautiful occasion for us to remind ourselves that conversion is not about numbers and increasing the fold. It is a personal decision to go towards God, an about-turn (as the Greek word 'metanoia' suggests); it is an absolute choice for God! Choice for God...because we begin to see the role that God has played in our life and choose to actively acknowledge it; Absolute... because nothing else matters as much as God and God's will do! 

We are called to conversion... may not be as dramatic as that of St. Paul's, as we read in the first reading today, but more demanding! Yes, we are called to daily conversion. To be aware, each day and each moment, of those things that take us away from our progress towards God. Nothing - no demonic powers, no distracting languages, no cunning serpents, no poisoning lifestyle - should lead us away from God... we are called to make an absolute choice every day, for God and for God's Word.  Not merely in words but by my very life, I am obliged to proclaim God's message. "Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel," reminds me St.Paul (1 Cor 9:16). 

Notice the very first question that Paul asks the Lord after he recognises it was the Lord: What am I to do Lord? That is a relevant question for each of us to ask every day: What am I to do Lord, to turn to you and to make an absolute choice for you!


25th January, 2018

He will gather the dispersed...

from the four corners of the earth.


Isaiah 11:12-13             Ephraim shall not be jealous of Judah, and Judah shall not be                                           hostile towards Ephraim
Psalm 106:1-14, 43-48  Gather us to give thanks to your holy name
Ephesians 2:13-19         He has broken down the dividing wall
John 17:1-12                 I have been glorified in them

Happening today: 

The world churches work together to heal the wounds in the Body of Christ on earth, which are a legacy left by a history so different and indifferent. Reconciliation often demands repentance, reparation and the healing of memories. One example is the acts of apology and reparation undertaken by individual churches and their representatives. Like the People of  Israel, the Church in its unity is called to be both a sign and an active agent of reconciliation.


Throughout the biblical narrative of salvation history, an unmistakable motif is the unrelenting determination of the Lord to form a people whom he could call his own. The formation of such a people – united in a sacred covenant with God – is integral to the Lord’s plan of salvation and to the glorification and hallowing of God’s Name.

The prophets repeatedly remind Israel that the covenant demanded that relationships among its various social groups should be characterized by justice, compassion and mercy. As Jesus prepared to seal the new covenant in his own blood, his earnest prayer to the Father was that those given to him by the Father would be one, just as he and the Father were one. When Christians discover their unity in Jesus they participate in Christ’s glorification in the presence of the Father, with the same glory that he had in the Father’s presence before the world existed. And so, God’s covenanted people must always strive to be a reconciled community - one which itself is an effective sign to all the peoples of the earth of how to live in justice and in peace.


we humbly ask that, by your grace,
the churches throughout the world
may become instruments of your peace.
Through their joint action as ambassadors
and agents of your healing, reconciling love
among divided peoples,
may your Name be hallowed and glorified.

The right hand of God
is planting in our land,
planting seeds of freedom, hope and love;
in these many-peopled lands,
let his children all join hands,
and be one with the right hand of God. 



25th January, 2018: Don Bosco - A Father of a Family

Our Challenge: That we feel part of a family called to march towards sanctity

Our Prayer:

Lord God, thank you for Don Bosco, a man who initiated a movement, a family that marches hand in hand towards sanctity. May we inherit from this great person of God the sense of belonging to each other, specially to those who are suffering or in need. May we edify each other by our personal sanctity and journey together towards that eternal home of bliss that you have prepared for us. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.