Friday, December 15, 2017


Integrity... to face the fire

Second Saturday in Advent
Sir 48: 1-4, 9-11; Mt 17: 9a, 10-13

Elijah arose like a fire, the Word says and John was the expected Elijah! This is why, they wondered why Elijah should come back, because for them Elijah meant trouble. Obviously, they could not, rather they did not want to see Elijah in the Baptist. And Jesus pointed it out on their face. 

For us today 'Elijah' would be those persons and situations that challenge us to greater commitment and total dedication. And 'John' would be those people who put us into a spiritual uneasiness by their witnessing life. At times we do not want to have anything to do with them. Worse still when we try to interpret their actions and attitudes to be too rude or pretentious thus writing them off from the public face. The worst, when we try to get rid of them, whatever it takes.

Look at the scenario today: the increasing compromises in Christian living and the senseless alienation of daily life from the Christian belief; duplicity of motivations in what we speak or do in the public domain; the underground discussions and partnerships that aim at toppling the righteous persons who burn with the fire of the Reign! 

Keep Elijah and John in your mind for a practical and concrete dedication towards integrity. Recognise willingly people with such fire within them! Even if you are not one of them, atleast learn to face them, learn to face the fire!


Integrity... to find your depth

Second Friday in Advent
Is 48: 17-19; Mt 11:16-19

If only you were... we use this expression very often when communicating our disappointment over someone. Today the Lord uses it to the people of Israel...if only you had listened to me, and proved a little more integral! There is a spark of an inspiration from the first reading today, speaking of Integrity being like waves! In fact the Gospel too takes off from there. 

Waves ebb and flow, come and go, rise and fall, proceed and recede...but look at them at their origins - the deep sea. There they are calm like a sleeping giant. That is what integrity is all about. Though you may be involved in frenetic activity and never ending responsibilities, never lose that inner serenity where your being truly resides. 

Jesus gives a beautiful allegory - like children who play, we live our lives with numerous expectations on the other and disappointments within. We expect and get disappointed; or we get anxious to meet the expectations of the other or others, and feel stressed out. Jesus is simply suggesting to us: can you just stop and ask yourself, what are you up to? What are you toiling for? What are you stressing yourself out for? What are you really trying to prove and to whom? 

Jesus has this to tell us today: you have nothing to prove! You are what you are in the depth of your being. Discover that, realise that, and try to live that to the full. Do not get lost in the externals of show and appreciation or disappointments and critiques. You can do that only when you are able to find your depths. That is why a crucial bit of Integrity is finding your real depth and getting truly in touch with it.