Thursday, August 11, 2016


Clare and the Christian Bhakti Marg

11th August,  2016
Ezek 12: 1-12; Mt 18:21 - 19:1

Emotional energy and relational attachment to the Lord and Master is not all that weak as it is often looked at with prejudice.  Though this alone may not be the needed disposition for a mature faith,  this  is an essential element of spiritual attachment to the Lord. 

Bhakti Marga is an important way of being united with the Lord in an Indian tradition.  It is translating one's capacity to love genuinely into an intimate devotion to the Divine Master.

St. Clare for me has always stood out as an ardent bhakta who was guided by her total attachment to the Lord. That was missing in the relationship of the people of Israel with Yahweh who had done so much for them.  Jeremiah is  asked to remind the people of that while Jesus explains that one who recognises what one has received from Lord, will not count when he or she gives!

Bhakti is not merely about God and me; it is also about me and others!