Who are we to stand in God's way!
Monday, 4th week in Easter
Acts 11:1-18; Jn 10: 11-18
God has no favourites, except that God opts to stand by those who are no favourites of anyone. You neglect someone for no fault of theirs adding to their woe, God will surely take their side and not yours! Just today, I happened to notice once again that poster of a 3 year old Syrian boy who succumbed to wounds in the hospital a couple of years ago, with a caption which read: 'I am going to tell God everything that is happening here'. A sad reminder of how insensitive the world has grown to be. So much of divisions and hatred, violence and crime, manipulations and exploitations...why are we standing in God's way, when God wants that every human person be happy and contented, fulfilled and peaceful. The Good Shepherd wants that every one, without exception everyone, be saved, that everyone lives his or her life to the full - woe to us if we hinder that from happening.