Tuesday, October 14, 2014

5th Centenary of the birth of Teresa of Avila

It's Jesus of Teresa!

15th October, 2014

Today we celebrate the feast of St. Teresa of Avila. It is the 500th year after her birth. The Carmelite family all over the world begin today the fifth birth centenary year. Just reminded of a wonderful episode from St. Teresa's life...Teresa was fond of introducing herself to everyone as Teresa of Jesus. Infact that is another name by which she is known, apart from Teresa of Avila. She loved Jesus as her own spouse; she referred to him as 'beloved' - so romantic a faith. It is said that in one of her visions,when Jesus appeared she asked,"who are you?" And Jesus replied, "I am Jesus of Teresa". Nothing can replace a personal love that we ought to have for Jesus. St. Teresa of Jesus, inspires us to an ardent love for our Saviour. Needless to say, we would be repaid with a love several times deeper and in fact, we love because he loved us first (1Jn 4:19). 

WORD 2day: 14th October, 2014

Integrity matters
Gal 5:1-6; Lk 11: 37-41

Integrity is one virtue that Jesus never compromised on. Dichotomìes and discrepancies between words and actions, between belief and life: they were immediate disqualifiers according to Jesus, in the pursuit of eternal life.

Even a simple life-practice backed up by a strong conviction can become an entry pass to the Reign. Be it the 2 pennies dropped by the widow, or the vial of perfume broken by the 'sinner' woman, the simple prayer made by the thief on the cross beside Jesus... they were reasons enough for them to inherit the Reign of God.

Let us believe in what we pray and practise what we preach or hear preached... lest we become "fools"in the eyes of the Lord.