Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Listening and Doing - the core connect!

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 1st week in Ordinary time

January 12, 2022: 1 Samuel 3: 1-10,19-20; Mark 1:29-39

'Speak Lord, your servant is listening' and 'Here Lord, I come to do your will'... these are two prominent biblical verses given to us from the liturgy of the Word today, bringing to our notice a very close relationship, the core-connect, that exists between listening and doing! 

Doing the Will of the Father goes with listening to the voice of God - which comes through so many ways including those immediately around us, and especially the most needy among them. They become the indications, they become the voice beckoning us to do the will of God. 

Listening to the voice of God, leads one todo what God wants, if that listening has been sincere and authentic. The Word moves us, the voice impels us to action, action according to the eternal plan of God.

We see this core-connect exemplified in the life of Jesus, in the Gospel. As the psalmist says Jesus was eager to do the will of God - here I come to do your will O God; but he knew that it cannot be wholly done, if he did not have a personal time with the One who calls and sends - Speak Lord your servant is listening.

The more we grow in our ability to listen with our heart, the more we shall be able to discern the will of God at the right moment. It is an essential part of Christian maturity to understand this core-connect - between listening and doing!