Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Divine Assurances

WORD 2day: Friday, 6th week in Easter time

May 22, 2020: Acts 18: 9-18; John 16: 20-23

Today's readings have two of the most repeated and most affirmed promises of the Lord: Do not be afraid, for I am with you (Acts 18:9,10) and Your sorrow will turn into joy (Jn 16:20). For both these, the provision given is: go on speaking and endure the griefs.  What an assurance and a what a challenge!

Though what is expected of us -that is to go on speaking and to endure suffering- might seem a bit too demanding, the consequence of it justifies everything! The promised presence of the Lord and the promised joy in the Lord are incomparably filled with assurances that can brighten up our todays and our tomorrows. Look at the metaphor that Jesus offers - the childbirth. Can there be a better one at that? It is a matter of life and death for the mother; but at the climax of it all, when she holds the baby in her hand, it is a whole new life, a whole new world, a whole new reality not only for her, but for all those who are connected to her, for the entire family.

The strengthening presence of the Lord and the awaiting joy in the Lord: we are called to claim these promises in our daily life and more importantly, we are called be the fulfillment of these promises for those around us who are needy, the real poor, the suffering and the troubled in spirit. Instead of questioning how the Lord is present amidst sorrows, can I strive to be God's strengthening presence to the weak and the suffering? Instead of being critical about a future joy promised, can I be the source of simple joys for those around me?

The Ascension of the Lord which we intend to celebrate this weekend carries precisely this message for us: the continued and unceasing presence of the Risen Lord, more often than not, in the form of our presence with the others. Let the Spirit help us today to feel the presence of the Lord with each of us and within each of us, leading us to be the joyful, strengthening presence of the Lord for everyone we encounter today.