Thursday, March 14, 2013

God bless Pope Francis

Someone on the corridor this morning returned my greeting, “Viva il Papa” and more than agreed when I said, “what a beautiful choice of a title – Francis!” He immediately added, “it suits the times… but let’s hope he doesn’t take it too seriously!”

Very true, it is a daring title, a bit scaring too. Though this morning the Vatican clarified in specific terms that it was Francis of Assisi, who is invoked here as patron, I was still thinking…

Francis could refer to the spirit of Francis of Assisi or Francis of Saverio…or both!

Francis of Assisi, was a revolutionary FROM WITHIN the Church when many thought reform was only to step out and rebel. Francis led the Church back to its roots of childlike faith in God and simple life in communion with brothers and sisters and the whole universe! A task that disturbed many, because it was prophetic! The Church today needs that return yet again – to love, to brotherhood and sisterhood and to trust in God and in each other in our walk towards a simple holiness, modeled after Christ.

Francis Xavier, burned with zeal TO REACH OUT to the multitudes, an ardent evangeliser! He can challenge the Church today, which is taking its baby steps in the New Evangelisation, a call from the signs of the times!

Yes, it could be both these Francis, who have visited us again…in the person of Pope Francis, not forgetting the humble and kind saint Francis de Sales!

As a love-bound-Church let us pay heed to the call that the ‘owner of the boat’ gives us… Let us return to our roots – Simplicity, Humility and Prayer!


Lets thank God for Pope Francis 

Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio....

The initial comments as i heard from the people walking out of the piazza...
1. "Oh...someone who never profiled in the so-called probables!!!"
2. "What a emotional moment...the first few moments he did not know what to do! He just stood there..."
3. "What a beautiful Choice...Francesco...a real message of humility"
4. "First time a Pope bowed in front of the people asking them to pray for him...a great sign of humanness!"
5. "How nice of him to have first and foremost thanked Benedict XVI and recommended him to our prayers..."

My feeling all along till i reached back home was...