Sunday, March 3, 2013

3RD SUNDAY OF LENT: 03.03.2013

The call to BEAR FRUIT...
through a three point programme in life,

present to us on a daily basis
with the superabundance of God's love;

through the din of daily activity
and every eventual responsibility;

constantly towards a dynamic existence
that bears fruit,
fruit that will last!

During the summer last year, I was helping out in a parish in the south of Italy. The Parish Priest was out on his vacation. During one of those days, i used to spend time with a few elderly people who were very interested to discuss some issues on God and Bible. Once a person asked me, does God have a name? I immediately said...yes..Jesus Christ, the name above all names! She immediately said...No, what about God the there a name? I cited to her the first reading we have today, where God reveals God's name... I AM. the one who was, is and will always be for eternity.  the elderly lady was so thrilled about it. she kept telling herself, God's name is I AM. when the parish priest returned and i was about to leave the next day...she told the Parish priest, "you know, God's name is I AM." The Parish Priest was upset with me. He told me, "No Christy, that is the God of the Jews. Not ours!" I don't know how you would react dear sisters... I cannot forget the remark of the parish priest, that is the God of the Jews... I did not want to pick a discussion with the parish priest who was not prepared for it, at that time.
That is the God of the Jews, yes, and that is the God of Jesus Christ. That is the Father of Him who revealed to us in fullness who God is. Today, as St. Paul tells the Corinthians, we all drink from that Rock, the Rock that gives us God to drink. He, the Rock, calls us today to recognise the real God, whom he came to reveal. In the Gospel today, to his disciples, he clarifies their age old concept of God - that God  punishes, that God is wrathful, that God takes his anger out on his people. He did not reveal a new God, a different God - but he revealed a different understanding of God, he revealed a new face of God - the God who loves unconditionally, the God who waits patiently, the God who gives innumerable chances, the God who eagerly wants to see  you bear fruit.
That is the central message of the Liturgy of the Word today - the call to bear fruit. In the first week, we were called to choose God, the second week called us to belong to God. Today the Word challenges us to bear fruit. And the readings outline to us the way to bear fruit - a three point itinerary.
The first challenge is to RECOGNISE GOD - to do away with all misconceptions of God, not giving into the conspiracy theories of the New Age, to see and feel God present with us, with his superabundance of love in our day to day life.
The second challenge is to REMAIN IN GOD - to hold firm to the Father and Mother who has loved us into existence, to love the Son of God who has won us over with his sacrificing love, to listen and pay heed to the Holy Spirit who guides us every moment of our life. To be conscious, of the presence of God and of the fact that each of us is called by this wonderful and loving mystery, that is God.
The third challenge is to constantly RENEW OURSELVES - that is to understand who we are and what we are called to and constantly verify if we are journeying on the way that leads to where God has called us to be, that state of life where we bear fruit, fruit that will last.
It is logical that if we do not recognise God, we cannot remain in God. If we do not remain in God, we cannot bear fruit - for Jesus tells us clearly "senza di me non potete far nulla." To our doubt, if God will cut us off if we do not bear fruit, the same logic responds saying - if we do not bear fruit, it is because we are not in God. If we are not in God, we will wither away by ourselves and there is no alternative. That is why St. Paul urges us today, "if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!"
Let us accept the call of the Word today, recognising God in our daily life, remaining in God every moment and renewing ourselves constantly, to bear fruit, fruit that will last.