Thursday, October 12, 2023

Catch up with the Reign!

WORD 2day: Friday, 27th week in Ordinary time

October 13, 2023: Joel 1:13-15,2:1-2; Luke 11 : 15-26

The easiest way to get rid of someone from the world is to demonise that person! This is what the Political Super Powers today keep trying. When they feel like eliminating someone, when they feel like demolishing another nation, the easiest way is to demonise them - call them names like evil, violent, terrorists, outlaws, rebels and so on - and get the whole world look at them as being personification of evil. Then what remains is to get rid of the so-called "evil".

It happens in all walks of life. Why do you think the fundamentalist pentecostal groups keep calling the Apostolic Catholic Church names and comparing it to the Antichrist? The sad thing is, there are those who care about nothing but rules and rigour, not about true faith and real experience of God, within the Catholic Church - who at times start such demonising acts, creating schismatic sentiments within the Church, opposing the Holy Father or finding fault in whatever is proposed towards more meaningful living of the Church, refusing to sit together or walk together on a synodal journey.

The Lord warns us today: you will be lagging behind, while the Reign of God would have overtaken you. Catch up with the Reign. Revelation is progressive, everyday the Lord keeps revealing to us, the way to get closer and closer to the Lord. Everything that happens, all the situations of humanity are but signs of God's revelation and a call to get closer to the Reign, by becoming more and more like the Merciful Father, Observant Son and the Illuminating Spirit of the Lord. If we lose track of it, we shall certainly lag behind. 

Come on, let us catch up with the Reign!