Monday, May 24, 2021

Honest and Unattractive Marketing!

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 8th week in Ordinary time

May 25, 2021: Sirach 35: 1-12; Mark 10: 28-31

Buy one get two; pay less get more; paisa vasool, festival discount, saldi, clearance sale... these are popular and widespread marketing techniques followed by great business brands or simple local shops! At the most the attempt to be sincere would be marked with an asterisk in smallest possible font size and stated "conditions apply" - all an attempt to hide what it really costs, to make people take it by all means. 

Look at what Jesus does today in the Gospel... he seems to be inviting people promising them 100 fold of what they give up...a marketing technique, but wait! He adds and means it when he says: 'persecutions and death' too shall abound, as inevitable part of the package - so ridiculously plain and clear! Who will take up such a life style? But that is Jesus... so frank and clear. 

The First reading too promises sevenfold of what we offer to the Lord, but insists: 'offer no bribes, these God does not accept! Trust not in sacrifice of the fruits of extortion.' What you give to the Lord is important, it says, but from where you give (truly from yourself?), why you give (to compensate for the unacceptable part of your life?) and with what mind you give (really to give or actually to get?)...these are important too! And they define the quality of your relationship with God. 

These are typical unattractive marketing, but they are honest; brutally honest. The fruits of discipleship is all made known to us, but along with it, also what it truly costs. What will be the price that I really have to pay, without any hidden charges or indirect hooks, is plainly stated! Would I pick up this lifestyle, the disciple-lifestyle for myself? 

It is really a question to ask: will that kind of a propaganda manage to attract many? Yes, many among those who honour honesty and dare to pick up the cross - are we among them?