Thursday, August 5, 2021

The Light for our way!


August 6, 2021: Transfiguration of the Lord

Daniel 7: 9-10,13-14; Mark 9: 2-10

The disciples see their Lord in his glory and all that they want is to remain in that state of splendour and delight! There was a proposal also to make tents, and stabilise their presence. The sense of awe makes them feel like reifying that moment and that event. It is nothing wrong, isn't it? However, the call is to climb down, move on and keep walking, taking advantage of the light that the moment has shed! Though Jesus was all the time with them, the disciples needed that experience on the mount to behold his power and glory. 

Our life of prayer, that is, our relationship with God who shares every moment of our life, is punctuated at times with ‘peak’ experiences, to sustain us in the tedium of the daily journey. Retreats, pilgrimages, charismatic conventions, supernatural experiences and miraculous events – these are very useful and important, but cannot become a daily need! Effective substitutes for these that the Church suggests to each of us, are the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation – which when celebrated with the zest and the earnestness that they truly deserve – can become peak experiences on a regular basis. 

To walk with Christ every day of our life - that is the call that we have received and not to go by merely exciting events and extraordinary moments. But the Lord deigns to throw the light of faith in God's own ways. If we are attentive we shall receive those timely gifts and keep marching on every day and every moment, accepting the light for our path. 

The feast of transfiguration that we celebrate today has this call for us: on our daily journey, let us observe the glorious presence of the Lord in the ordinariness of the day. Let the gentle beckoning of God keep sounding in our ears – “This is my Son, my Chosen. Listen to him.”

Basilica of Mary Major

August 5, 2021

We celebrate today the feast of the dedication of the Basilica of Mary Major, 
one of the four major Papal Basilicas in Rome. 
It has a great historical background as it was one of the first basilicas built 
in honour of Mary, Mother of God
The miracle that is said to have happened 
to reveal the exact spot chosen by our Blessed Mother herself, 
the miracle of snow in the mid summer night, 
gave rise to the title 
Our Lady of Snows!