Tuesday, December 24, 2013

WORD 2day: 24th December, 2013

Needed Traits to Receive the Lord #3: AWE

Translated as fear of God, or an awe towards God, or the sense of spiritual wonder, the capacity to be open to the doings of the Lord... is the third and most important trait to receive the Lord. Very often we think of our spirituality as doing something for God - going to the Church, saying prayers, going for Mass... they are all important, yes! But more important is our openness to God, allowing God to work in us, listening to God, looking to understand what God communicates to us here and now! At times in our busy 'doing'...we forget 'to be' in the presence of God. Let us keep this as the highest priority today... as we are just a few hours from celebrating the awesome mystery of incarnation, let us stay in awe, remain in wonder at the marvels of the Lord, the immensity of the Love that the Lord shares with us this Christmas!

Novena... Day 9... O Morning Star

24th December: O Morning Star...

The 7 O-Antiphons are over with yesterday...
but the Novena ends today...with the rising of the Morning Star!

The Lord is not just near...but the Lord is here!!!
We celebrate the Rising Star, the Morning Star that announces the break of day!
The Lord comes to rule in our hearts, not just in the world...
Let us prepare ourselves..for the Lord is here.