Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Take yourself seriously!

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 33rd week in Ordinary Time

Novembre 17, 2021:  2 Maccabbees 7: 1, 20-31; Lk 19: 11-28

The end time disaster narration continues in the first reading today, while the recommendation given for this day is: take yourself seriously! Look at your life, look at what you are, look at what you have, look at what you are given, look at the tasks entrusted to you and take them seriously! The urge to be faithful to God is never a question of maintaining the status quo.

Regardless of our successes and titles we will be judged on the basis of our faithfulness to God or its lack. It does not matter whether we have worked on a little or an accomplished great thing, but it does matter what our level of faithfulness was, as we worked on  it! This faithfulness becomes more and more subtler as the things involved get more and more important - like our spiritual life, our faith life, our commitment to our relationship with God. 

What was the mother in the first reading we have today: a prophetess? a leader? a queen? No one...just a simple woman, an insignificant mother thus far and shoots all of a sudden to fame - simply because of the faithfulness of her sons. Behind that faithfulness, remains the whole life lived by the mother, and  with the mother - the values imparted and the convictions rooted. She deserves the limelight, as she nurtured them amisdt the obscurity of  the ordinariness of life. 

The Lord has entrusted us with the great gift of life - and we are to bring it back to the Lord, with all that we can add to it. Meaning, significance, merits, kindness, forgiveness, empathy, integrity and so on. It is not the noise and the fanfare that surrounds that will decide our final destiny, but that one moment of intense silence before the Lord where the Lord sees what I have made of my life finally. That moment will be happy, if today I take myself, my life and my call, seriously!