Sunday, February 28, 2016

Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy #4


The colours that have been used in the logo of the year of mercy, have a specific message to communicate. Let's begun with having a good look at the logo. And note the colours that stand out.

Red: signifies the blood of Christ. The Blood of Christ is a sign and symbol of God's mercy. For God so loved the world that God sent God's only Son to give us life. Christ gave his life for us as the most intense expression of God's mercy.

White: signifies the light of Christ. The light that takes us to the Father,  the light that makes it clear to us who we are, the light that defines where and how we need to be journeying - that is the light we are looking at.

Blue: signifies the earth and so the humanity,  that is "we"...we are called to be sons and daughters of God sporting the very image and likeness of the One who has willed us into existence.

Gold: signifies the call that we have received as humanity. If you closely glimpse at the golden hue it is on the person who lies on the shoulder. If Christ is the one who is carrying, the one who is carried is Adam. The first Adam brought in sin through his disobedience,  Christ the second Adam brings in salvation through obedience. We are called and challenged.

The Call from this element of the logo, is to understand the face of the mercy of God-Jesus Christ, listen to Him and surrender ourselves to His projects.


MERCILENT 2016 - 3rd Sunday in Lent: 28th February

Exo 3: 1-8, 13-15; 1 Cor 10: 1-6, 10-12; Lk 13: 1-9

It's reaping time; it's time to show the difference in my life. If I do not show that difference, that bit of growth that comes from an authentic eagerness towards perfection, I deny myself the possibility of truly experiencing that saving grace of the merciful Father. I have no excuses to make and that is what the readings today establish without doubt.

I have no excuses because, I am accompanied with daily miracles by the Lord. As the Lord accompanied the people of Israel as a cloud and the pillar of fire, the Lord accompanies me with daily miracles in my life. I may or may not recognise the countless miracles that happen all around me but they are constantly there. The daily dose of life, the air that I breathe, the vital sustenance that is ensured...what are these but miracles. The guidance that I receive from daily experiences, the indications that I am given to regulate my life, these are miracles that I keep experiencing from the Lord's accompaniment.

I have no excuses because, I am alerted by regular warnings. Even as I choose to do things that do not really go well with the call that I have received from the Lord, I am warned from within. Even as I see people fumbling and falling, mistaking and missing their way in life, I am given with warnings to change my life, lest I go far far away from the Lord. At times I squander the warnings I receive as I am busy judging people, branding them and writing their destinies unduly. I need to begin to take the cues all around me and be attentive to the warnings that keep coming my way.

I have no excuses because I am affirmed with such abundance of mercy from the Lord. I am given chances after chances, offered countless opportunities and limitless forgiveness from the Lord, that I may grow over my faults and failures, towards making choices that lead me to fruits that show me to be a true son or daughter of God. The Lord invites me to bear fruit, fruits that will show me to be worthy of the image and likeness that I bear; that I may be merciful as the Father. Be ye perfect as your heavenly father is perfect.