Saturday, August 29, 2015


The Head on a Platter

The passion of John the Baptist: 29th August, 2015
1 Thes 4: 9-11; Mk 6: 17-29

The head on a platter, is a phenomenon prevalent even today! A person, when he or she finds another unacceptable or unpalatable or intolerable, decides to get rid of the person from his or her life! The world today, as ever, acts as a collective person to do the same! First attempt is to silence the person as Herod did; the more determined effort is to totally eliminate the person as Herodias planned. The predicament of Truth and those who stand for truth remains the same even today. The world may ask for your head on the platter, but make sure you have it on your shoulders, reminds us the first reading today.