Thursday, October 13, 2016

WORD 2day: 13th October, 2016

Identifying Christ today!

Thursday, 28th week in ordinary time
Eph 1: 1-10; Lk 11: 47-54

What would you do if some one comes around today and starts claiming himself to be the son of God and warns you of  dire consequences if you don't believe in him?  Yes there are characters of such sort today. If you have some time to kill and hard up for some serious entertainment check out on the YouTube for a person called Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj... a self proclaimed visionary and evangelist today.  You would be astounded by his claims - something like visiting heaven for regular council meetings and getting reviews from God  the Father for his TV shows etc.

At times we would also react as the Pharisees and the Scribes did with Jesus-  as angry as wishing to get rid of him. The question, is how do  we identify the right message and the right messenger.  The criterion is given by Paul in the Word today: our call to be holy and blameless in love before God in Christ! Holy and blameless, not merely in what we put up as our appearance before others, but before God.
Identifying Christ and Christ's message today is not that difficult...  in this regard, holiness as integrity and expressed in love,  is the touchstone.