Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The Sign of Jonah


Wednesday, First week in Lent: March 09, 2022

Jonah 3: 1-10; Luke 11:29-32

The only sign that will be given is the sign of Jonah, says Jesus. And what is this sign of Jonah. Let us dwell on it a little. The sign of Jonah is repentance! How does Jonah become the sign of repentance? 

First Jonah himself was a sign of repentance - we know how he had his own way of thinking, his own judgement of events and people. When God called him to be a prophet, he had to be formed the hard way to really think as God would think, to accept events and persons as God would have them. He repented, and he risked his life, going amidst the people and giving them the hard message that he had from God. 

Secondly, Jonah's words were a sign - the people of Nineveh saw the prophet who had come all the way to warn them with a message from God. They saw in him, a man of God; they saw in his words, the Words of God. They saw the sign that was delivered to them through the words of Jonah, and they repented... saving themselves from a disastrous end. 

Thirdly, Jonah becomes the sign of the Son of God - the event of Jonah resting in the belly of the fish for three days and rising to new life, is given as the sign of the Son of God - the life and resurrection that humanity awaits. Obedience of Jonah is the prefigurement of the Son of God who in his obedience, emptied himself totally for the Will of God, the salvation of all! In our obedience, we shall inherit what Jesus has earned for us.

The Sign of Jonah is relevant even today - the sign of repentance, so loud and clear in this season of lent. It is to pay attention the Word and to change our lives according to it, on a daily basis; to acknowledge the persons bringing the Word to us, whoever it could be "big" or "small", erudite or no; and finally, see Jesus in those who genuinely care for us - if we see Jesus we will hear him speak!