Monday, September 20, 2021

The Call and our Response!


September 21, 2021: Remembering St. Matthew
Ephesians 4: 1-7, 11-13; Matthew 9 :9-13

We come across the touching scene of the call of Matthew in the Gospel today, as we celebrate the feast of this great evangelist. The image that accompanies this reflection is by the famous painter Caravaggio...and it brings out the sentiment of the Gospel in a dynamic sense. There are a few clear messages that this episode of the call of Matthew can offer us... let us pick on just three of those:

God hates sin not the sinners: there is no condemnation for those who believe in Christ, says the letter to the Hebrews. The Mercy of God cannot be an excuse for compromise between good and evil, sin and virtue, sinfulness and holiness. The call of Matthew is yet another splendid example to understand the fact that God hates sin, but loves that the sinners repent and get back to true holiness.

When it comes to God's call there are no Jews and no gentiles; there are no favourites by default. We become favourites depending on the prompt response we give to that call. Many are called but few are chosen (Mt 22:14)... we are chosen depending on the response we give to the call we receive. Those who are chosen are strengthened, that they may stay on with the Lord as disciples and apostles!

God dares enter my private home and dine with me no matter who the others are, whom I have invited. We may say, Lord I am not worthy that you should enter my home...but God enters! Should I not be prepared, ready and in a position to receive the Lord? Do I dare to let God come over, to the home of my inner self - are things in order, presentable?

The calling of Matthew reminds each of us of the call that we have received... how are we responding to that call, in our day to day life?