Friday, November 8, 2013

WORD 2day

8th November, 2013

Living life as a ministry - this was the inspiration that sprang within me reflecting on the Word today. Ofcourse, it is easy to brush it aside saying its a 'clerical' or 'priestly' or religious' way of thinking. But looking at the readings of today we can understand the words that Pope Francis has repeated in several modes: We cannot be part time Christians. We are called to live our life as persons of God every moment of our life, at home, in the neighbourhood, at work, on the way, in company, alone or at Church! If not, we will be caught unawares at a moment when we will have to frantically set things right as the dismissed steward does in the parable today. We should work out our own salvation, as St.Paul says to the Philippians Phil 2:12), not only in fear and trembling, but on a daily basis living our life with a consciousness that we are sent with a definite mandate, a concrete call by God to be God's stewards, to be sons and daughters of God in the world.