Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Love, Look Up and Live

Tuesday, Fifth week in Lent - 4th April, 2017
Num 21:4-9; Jn 8: 21-30

All those who look up to the one who is lifted up, will find life! But anyone who looks up?... looking up can have very many motivations. 

One is a mere curiosity to know who is there and what is there. Just knowing about Christ and knowing about the Faith, may be an exercise of curiosity, not really leading us anywhere remarkable. 

Another motivation of looking up would be to make the most of the moment. It is to get whatever the benefits that are promised, however convinced or not I may be. It is an attitude of eclecticism, picking up what seems good all around and having them compiled together- not really bothered whether they contradict or comply. This can serve as a starting point to a faith experience, but cannot become a permanent faith choice!

The third is looking up with love, with trust, with hope that it is in the one who is lifted up there is an answer to every issue that I face in my life. I look up in love and I look up to love and it is in love that I am lifted too. The Love of the Lord urges me and I can love, even amidst circumstances that appear so loveless. I look up and I see Love lifted up and that is a call to lift my love up. Yes, it is in love, I look up and I live!