Thursday, May 30, 2013

WORD 2day

30th May, 2013

To see is a task, a life task. All the while that we are, we think we see, but infact we may not. Seeing what we want to see, is not seeing! Yes, I see, but just what I can. The world around me has more to be seen, more to be observed, more to be marveled at, more to be celebrated and more to be grateful for. With a mind so centered on myself and my concerns, it becomes increasingly difficult to see and all that is out there cries to be seen, marveled at, be thanked for. It's grace that enables me to see... to see the works of the Lord, the marvels of the Lord's Word, the splendour of the Lord's wisdom ... it is the Lord who enables me to see! And Bartimaeus reminds me of what has to be my constant prayer - 'Master, let me receive my sight.'  Let me receive my sight, that I may be able to see beyond myself, beyond my own concerns and well beyond my tiny little world - yes Lord..that I may see!