Wednesday, August 23, 2017


WORD 2day: 23rd August, 2017

Wednesday, 20th week in Ordinary Time
Judg 9: 6-15; Mt 20: 1-16

We can find something that is common in the two readings of today, and that is the clue to the message that is offered. The first reading narrates a parable of trees approaching various trees to rule over them. Jesus narrates a parable in the Gospel, about the land owner who approaches people at various moments of the day for work. The key is here: the Lord who approaches.

In various ways the Lord approaches us - what a marvel and what a privilege that we are approached by the Almighty. It is not that the Lord cannot do without me, but the Lord chooses not to do without me. The Lord invites me to be on the Lord's side. The Lord approaches me to be at Lord's business. Three dispositions that I should necessarily have to respond to the Lord who approaches me: Listening, to the Lord's call and heeding to the Lord's directions; Obedience, to carry out the wishes of the Lord despite the difficulties and delusions; and Selflessness, to do whatever I can for the purpose of the Reign and for the people of God, but never expecting anything as a recompense, never comparing the good times of the others with mine and doing everything for the other, for the society and for the God who wills them all.