Wednesday, September 27, 2023

House in Ruins... Reflect!

WORD 2day: Thursday, 25th week in Ordinary time

September 28, 2023: Haggai 1:1-8; Luke 9: 7-9

It is important to know that the house is in ruins and it is more important to know the reason. The world today is experiencing that ruin in many realities. The wounded peace, the wrecked ecology, the neglected humanity, the despised helpless, the insensitive power centres... these are the experiences of ruins. If we carry on our lives paying no attention to these, but trying to live our religious lives as mere ritual requirements, we will be like Herod who was more curious to see Jesus than earnest to see himself in the light of Jesus. 

Reflect carefully, calls the first reading today! To reflect on our house of ruins is not merely to criticise ourselves or everyone else who is around, but to look at ourselves in the light of Jesus and his Mystical Body. The Mystical Body of Christ is the communion of believers, the communion of human persons, a true communion of hearts and spirits of the brothers and sisters called in the name of the One Lord. Are we building up such a presence amidst us? If not Jesus' body, the house is in ruins! 

It is important that we know that the house is in ruins and more important to know the reason; that we analyse to see where really lies the problem. A bit of sincerity and a lot of dedication will set this house back in order - our call today is, to Reflect!