Monday, November 10, 2014

WORD 2day: 11th November, 2014

My real worth: where do I get it from?

Ti:2:1-8, 11-14; Lk 17: 7-10

Where does one's real worth come from? From merely your age or the social status that is offered to you or from the great successes that you parade to the world? As a person your true worth comes from within you, say the readings. 

It comes from within, meaning, each of us understands what one is called to, what our commission is and live it on a daily life, without making a fuss out of it. At times we do a little that we do, and go about trumpeting it all around. Worse still some times we do not do anything much but go around building it up as if we have moved mountains. 

And the worst of all is doing everything that we do, merely to be noticed and praised and given the social recognition that I am an important person in the vicinity. Christian life is all about living the essential goodness that we have within from the very fact that we are children of God and never expecting to be lauded for what we do, because what we do is what we have to do! Jesus puts it so plainly in today's Gospel (Lk 17:10). 

WORD 2day: 10th November, 2014

Towards Living Faith

Titus 1: 1-9; Lk 17: 1-6

Jesus throws challenge after challenge at his followers: to correct one's brother or sister who is erring, to readily forgive brothers and sisters, not to cause a brother or sister to sin or to falter... the challenges seem so demanding but just one prayer that the disciples make sums up all that it takes to face these challenges and live up to them. The prayer: "Lord, Increase our faith" (Lk 17:5). 

Faith is the answer to all these, because faith is not merely something that we possess, but a relationship to which we commit. It is a personal relationship with God, a total personal response to a God who reveals Godself in unconditional love and absolute concern. It is something in which we continuously grow, being mindful of the danger anytime retract into ways that are not worthy of the one who has created us, called us and commissioned us! Faith, if really living, will find a solution to many a problem in today's life, because it is fundamentally a God-inspired way of life.