Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Model of the Synodal Church

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 5th week in Easter time

May 18, 2022: Acts 15: 1-6; John 15: 1-8

We are speaking so much these days about "synodality"... with the ongoing preparations towards the Synod on synodality! With Vatican Council II, the ecumenical council that has revolutionised the Church, this theme has gradually taken the forefront of the discussions within the Church! Today we have the account of the first ever ecumenical council held: the Council of Jerusalem! It stands as a wonderful Christian model of handling crisis and confusion. Getting together in brotherly dialogue and faithful communion - that is the model of the synodal Church for us.

The Community of faith gives us a splendid possibility of remaining united as branches to the one Vine, Jesus. Today, when crisis and confusion arise, how many human methodologies we follow to handle them: writing anonymous letters, spreading calumny about others, raising unchristian slogans and following uncharitable actions. Is it truly a 'Christ'ian way of approaching a problem? What are we aiming at? Establishing our ego? Gaining our political mileage? 

Division within the Church is the worst scandal we can give to the world. It is a definitive lack of the synodal spirit of getting together, listening to each other and deciding for the good of every faithful and for the entire faith community. It is not about who is right or who is wrong, it is not about who is more important and who less... it is about what is God's will and what will unite us as One Community of the people of God.

Let us be united with the one Vine, nourish ourselves from that vine, be filled with the sap from that vine and give fruits worthy of that vine. Or else, we will have to be pruned and charred!