Friday, October 2, 2020

To see what you see, and to hear what you hear

 WORD 2day: Saturday, 26th week in Ordinary time

October 3, 2020: Job 42: 1-3,5-6,12-17; Luke 10: 17-24

We see; we hear - but only what we wish to! It is so difficult to really see what we see, and hear what we hear! Is it sounding too confusing? No, think along... it is not that complicated. It is a fact, that we think we see what is truly out there, but most of the time we have some mental ideas and preconceptions that we do not see what is there, but end up seeing what we think we are seeing. It is like those who see ghosts in the shadows. We think we hear what is said, but because of the constant judgement of our mind and its interpretation, we end up hearing what we want to hear, not really what we hear from out there. Is it not true that the same word heard from someone, in two different moods, cause totally different responses?

Job acknowledges this folly in such emphatic words...he apologises to the Lord saying he has been so fixed on his ideas, that he did not understand the reality - the reality that the Lord is in control of everything and the Lord knows everything! He regrets his folly of inutile words explaining and complaining to the Lord, when the Lord all along knew what was happening and was so close to Job in all his pains! Only, Job did not get to see in the beginning...but he manages soon!

It is so blessed when we are able to realise the truth - it is not necessary that the most intelligent get to it first! I bless you Father for you hid these things from the learned and the clever, revealing them to mere children, exclaims Jesus in the Gospel. The simple, the humble and those who readily submit themselves into the hands of the Lord are those who will get to see or get to hear the real truth and the mysteries, not the proud and the haughty. Because the latter are so filled with their own thoughts and reasons, their own logic and priorities. 

Only the children, the child-like, the simple, the real servants of Truth, will get to see what they see and will get to hear what they hear. They will be able to understand the truth, listen to God, see God in others and feel the constant presence of the Lord with them, come what may. That is the grace we need to pray for!