Thursday, August 16, 2018

Goodness: God's natural choice!

Friday, 19th week in Ordinary Time

Ezek 16: 1-15, 60, 63; Mt 19: 3-12

The Word today brings out the Merciful face of God at its best. The Lord is upset that the people of Israel have abandoned the covenant that they had entered into with the Lord. When the Lord contemplates even a penalty, he contemplates it in terms of goodness! 

Being good to them and being good to all those who will respect the commandment, this is what the Lord contemplates. The people of Israel lose their privilege as  'chosen race' but every race becomes special provided they had chosen the Lord. 

It is again back to that key element of any spiritual maturity: choice!  The Lord is always good...and we can taste that goodness if we choose to! We can become the chosen race, if we choose God to be our priority!

Our goodness has to be seen in our daily life, specially in our relationships. The mutual respect and the good of the other have to be the yardsticks that measure the extent to which we can be known as people of God. In short, we need to grow in our choice and goodness is the natural choice of God.