Tuesday, December 22, 2020

O Rising Sun...the illumining fire


December 23, 2020: Fourth Wednesday in Advent
Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24; Luke 1: 57-66

The Morning Star announces the break of day, the transition from darkness to light. The Lord's coming is like the coming of the morning star - an announcement of the break of day, the awakening of light, the rise of knowledge, the enlightening of our existence.

He shall turn the hearts of the children to the Father and the heart of the father to the children - the verse has a profound significance seen against the background of the forthcoming solemntiy of Nativity, where the concrete experience of Incarnation unfolds in progression. It is not that the father begins to relate to the children, or vice versa, but it is that the relationship that exists already from time immemorial, is beginning to reveal itself. Life with the Lord is beginning to enlighten our existence. This is what Christmas is all about - that the Lord's coming amidst us, teaches us the real meaning and significance of being human persons on earth.

The Morning Star refers to the experience of revelation, so mysterious and so plain, so tremendous and so profound. Our everyday life has to be conditioned, animated and enriched by this revelation. That is what happens in the family of Zachariah - there is a miracle that takes place. The choice of the name, John - it was no coincidence that Zachariah and Elizabeth chose the same. It was a miracle, a revelation which had been given to them. An additional brilliance is the meaning of the name: the gift of God.

The more we prepare ourselves to recieve the Lord, and to recieve the gifts of the Lord, we shall see the revelation of God enlightening every bit of our life and experience. May the Christmas be a time that enlightens our life everyday in and through the illumining fire.

O Root - the root of true joy


December 22, 2020: Fourth Tuesday in Advent

1 Samuel 1: 24-28; Luke 1: 46-56

The Root of Jesse is not merely recalling history, it is projecting a sense of hope and and anticipation and aresultant exulting in the Lord. The Lord Reigns! And that is enough reason for us to exult.

Against the background of the current pandemic and the newest escalation of the same crisis, the Word clarifies to us the role of hope that the Lord gives us. Mindful of it, every person in the Lord is called to exult in the coming of the Lord. 

The Lord came, in history, to ensure that humanity knew its roots, the image and likeness in which it is made. 

The Lord comes in every experience and person which acts as the root of meaning to life and life's choices.

The Lord shall come wherever and whenever there is a search for the roots that can offer hope and meaning to life that is ahead. 

The Word made flesh was the root of Jesse, a descendent of David, the Son of Man, who identified with us - a great reason to rejoice and exult. True joy comes from the fact that we are united in the root, from where comes the real meaning of life. No success or failure, no social status or title, no accomplishment or lack can define me. It is only the deep rooted image of God within me that can give me true joy! This day invites us to contemplate this image of God, made flesh, become human and nourishes as the root  of our very being and of its true joy.