Tuesday, November 24, 2015

WORD 2day : 24th November, 2015

Destroyed by their choice

Tuesday, last week in Ordinary Time
Dan 2: 31-45; Lk 21: 5-11

Both in the book of Daniel and from the Gospel we see a prediction of destruction. The destruction and its prediction need not be seen as something totally unexpected. Already from the very constitution of the so called kingdoms that Daniel speaks of and from the types of people spoken of by Jesus, we see that destruction is inevitable and imminent - because of the choices they had made.

Jesus makes it clear in the Gospel today that there is no point in running after predictions and signs, or after fortune tellers and soothsayers... at times even the so called evangelists and preachers behave like these cheap sensation creators. What we are called to is to examine if there are choices that we make that lead us to destruction and ruin, instead of uniting us with the Lord who alone is the author of life.