Wednesday, March 1, 2023

PEACE-LENT 2023 - Peace is Responsibility

Thursday, First week in Lent - March 2, 2023

The WORD in LENT: Esther 4: 17; Matthew 7: 7-12

Ask, and you shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened to you; seek, and you shall find it - this teaching is nothing new to us! But it is very often interpretted only as a teaching about the trust that one should have in prayer - that we will received, that we will have it opened and that we will find what we seek. There is another subtle angle to this teaching that is very often bypassed - our responsibility!

Yes, the Lord knows what we need, what we seek and what we expect. And yes, certainly the Lord who is our loving Father and Mother shall deign to give us what we need. But these certainties do not in anyway take away the responsibility that each of us have in this regard - to ask, knock and seek actively, regardless of the fact of God's mercy, kindness and generosity. 

This is the perspective that comes out strongly when  today's first reading and the Gospel are reflected  upon together. Esther is a wonderful example in this regard, who makes us understand that peace is responsibility. It is not failing in one's responsibility. Peace does not happen, it has to be created, constructed, built up and nurtured. Yes, it is the doing of the Lord, but we have our role to play, failing which we shall not have it. 

Jesus explains that in his beautiful words. He begins with saying, ask, seek and knock, but ends with that injunction: do unto others, treat others, how you would like them do unto you! You cannot leave everything to the question of chance, not even to the magnanimity of the other. It has to begin from you, the Lord says. Wellbeing has to begin from you; shalom, peace has to begin from you, because, peace is basically responsibility!

PEACE-LENT 2023 - Peace is Humilty

Wednesday, First week in Lent - March 1, 2023

The WORD in LENT: Jonah 3:1-10; Luke 11:29-32

There can be no peace, where there is no humility. Humility enables one to see the truth wherever it could be - from within, in the other and in the reality. It goes in perfect continuity with the two themes that we have reflected upon in the past two days - integrity and genuinity. Humility is the capacity to observe the truth and acknowledge it. 

This has to be first done within - that is, admitting the truth about oneself. Not making up shows and putting up appearances, when a person is willing to manifest truly what he or she is from within, that amounts to humility and that creates a peace that nothing else can give! This is what happened to Jonah - he expressed what he was and what he felt and had to face hardships due to that. But he stuck on to the truth and that is why the Lord stuck on to him!

The second level is in relation to the other - that is, admitting the truth about the other. Not having hidden agenda and disguised hatred for the other, when one is able to look at the goodness and value of the other and admit it without pretension, it is humility at its best and that can offer not only to me and the other, but to the whole context a peace that is in everyway enviable! That was missing totally in those who demanded signs from Jesus - because they were full of deception and malice. That unnerved Jesus. 

Thirdly, it is about notice the truth as it comes across - that is, wherever truth exists, to admit it and celebrate it. Sometimes it may be against me, it may dislodge my comfort zones, and make me feel unsettled. But that cannot make me wantonly deny the truth that I am able to see so obviously! This is what does away with peace in the world today - there are far more numerous people who wish to deny and disown truth for reasons known only to them, than persons who are willing to stand by it. If so, how can peace have its chance, while peace is truly, humility!