Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Word and the Spread

WORD 2day: 4th Wednesday of Easter

May 15, 2019: Acts 12:24 - 13:5 ; John 12: 44-50

The Word spread far and wide present the readings today. While the Acts speaks of a type of spread, the Gospel seems to insist on another.

As apostles we cannot keep the Word to ourselves; we would not be 'apostles' if we do so. We are obliged to take it far and wide. We have an impelling call to carry the Word and spread it across to those who are ready,  willing and longing to hear it!

The second type which Jesus insists upon is the spread within. The Word that I have received, the Word that I am carrying to others cannot be something alien to me. First and foremost, I have to ensure the spread of that word within me. That I hear, understand, love and live this word within me even before I intend to take it to others.

Allowing the Word to spread all over my being, transforming me into that word itself,  is the easiest way to spread the Word. All that I would need to do is,  just go and be!

He remained and he was rewarded!


May 14, 2019: Remembering St. Mathias the Apostle
Acts 1: 15-17, 20-26; John 15: 9-17

The place of apostle Judas was empty and they consulted the Lord as to who should fill that place! They were inspired to have the criterion that Jesus himself proposed: it had to be one who had 'remained'! Remain in me, said Jesus. And they looked for someone who had remained with them from the beginning to the end. 

Mathias (for that matter even Justus and so many others) had never aspired for anything. They could have had no clue about it. But they remained with Jesus; and after Jesus had gone, with the rest of the band of followers.

Mathias looked forward to nothing except that of being with Christ and he was rewarded for it with a responsibility. He never chose or claimed or aspired to be an apostle, he was chosen to be, because he remained in His love.

This is what the Lord invites us to: to remain in his love and to love each other with the same love as a sign of our discipleship. Surely the Lord will choose to use us as His apostles. 

To Remain, in our daily life, would mean - to love the Lord, to love the Lord amidst all odds, to love the Lord constantly, to love the Lord without making it a bargain to be blessed, to love the Lord because we have been first loved by the Lord, to love the Lord never to desert the Lord come what may! How prepared am I to Remain?