Sunday, October 16, 2022

Living the tomorrows at the cost of todays


October 17, 2022: Remebering Ignatius of Antioch
Ephesians 2:1-10; Luke 12: 13-21

The message from the Word today follows from that of yesterday. We belong to God, who has made us God's people in spite of our human tendencies and wordly inclinations. We are raised up to the status of sharing the new life that the Risen Lord offers, sheerly because of the boundless mercy of God. The life that we have is a gift, a gratuitous gift that the Lord gives us to live! Yes, life is to be lived, lived to the full knowing well that it has been given free, absolutely free.

The tendency today is to fend so much for the tomorrow that today is totally sacrificed. People are so busy photographing the present moment for memory, that they fail to live the present in its entirety. There is so much of worries about the future that we infact are all the time living our tomorrows at the cost of today. Life is given to us to live, and not to worry. If only we are convinced that we belong to God, our worries about tomorrow will be mellowed down, allowing us to live our present to the full. If today we are called to render an account of our life, would we be able to say we have lived it fully? 

Ignatius of Antioch whom we remember today belongs to the earliest of the Christian communities, right during the Apostolic times. He is said to have been a student of St. John the Apostle. This Bishop of Antioch is a representative icon of the first Christians who were persecuted and killed... people who did not did not look living long and having to fend for their tomorrow! They lived every moment as people of God, and lived it so fully, that they were ready even to give up their life, in order to fill that live with meaning and significance.