Wednesday, December 16, 2015


The Advent Task: Realise your lineage

17th December, 2015
Gen 49:2, 8-10; Mt 1: 1-17

The readings today remind us of how important it was for the Jews to know their lineage and how it played a crucial role in their understanding of the coming of the Messiah. In a traditional society too, people place a great importance on the lineage of a person and the historical background that a person hails from. Issues like clan and dear and important they seem for so many!

The Word today insists on the one lineage that alone matters: that we come from God! It is God who formed us and created us;  it is God who willed us into existence;  it is God who has a plan for us; it is God who waits to make sense for us and through us to many others. If only we realise this lineage and that this lineage alone matters, we would find God very close to us, and find ourselves genuinely close to each other.


The Advent Task: Believe, the Lord is around!

16th December, 2015
Is 45: 6-8, 18, 21-25; Lk 7: 18-23

The most unchristian thought at a time of trouble is that I am all alone! It may be difficult to see, it may be hard to perceive but I have to believe that the Lord is with me, simply because the Lord has promised me that! At times when I wait in the railway station or in the bus stops and it looks like the required bus or train is never coming, I am used to telling myself, even the minute before the train appears or the minute before the bus comes around looks like that - as if it is never coming! 

The Lord says, believe that the Lord is around and you have enough evidences for it. You only need to look around and observe the things that are happening. The goodness of people around, however limited it could be; a simple gesture of care from a stranger, however unplanned it could be; a smile or a single word of gentleness from a fellow passenger, however short it could be...a loving hug from a child at home, a caring look from a loved one in the family...these are enough signs to gather the presence of the Lord around. Let us capitalise on these, but for that we need to begin to believe that the Lord is around.