Sunday, February 13, 2022

No sign, for those who do not find!

WORD 2day: Monday, 6th week in Ordinary time

February 14, 2022: James 1:1-11; Mark 8: 11-13

Why does this generation ask for a sign... no sign shall be given to this generation! Actually, what Jesus means is - no sign can be given to this generation. Yes, no sign can be given to those who cannot find the signs in what is already happening all around. 

To find the signs of the presence of God and the signs of the lessons of God, one needs the wisdom from the Spirit. And those who need this wisdom, they must ask with faith and no trace of doubt! If only a person is attentive to what is happening around, to what is happening in one's own life, to the effects of the choices one  makes and to the cause of the various effects that one undergoes, he or she shall without fail behold these signs. 

If one is totally taken up with what one is attracted to, totally immersed in the events and experiences that give him the pleasures of the moment, gripped with the likes and dislikes without really attending to the messages from the Lord, the person would be destined to miss the signs. What is the use of giving him or her any number of signs? They would be speckles of sugar sprinkled onto the sea!

The pleasures of life are like the withering grass; the excitements of moments are like the drooping flowers. What looks so splendid at a moment, soon disappears into the think cloud. It is the wisdom of the Lord that makes us understand this all important lesson: what lasts is the law of the Lord, the Word that enlivens us and the Spirit that enlightens. If we cannot find ways of holding on to the teachings of the Lord, founding our lives on the Word of God, and following the promptings of the Spirit of the Lord, we shall profit out of no sign whatsoever!