Wednesday, June 13, 2018

While you are still on the way!

Thursday, 10th week in Ordinary Time

14 June, 2018 - 1 Kgs 18: 41-46; Mt 5: 20-26

The connecting thread between the first reading and the Gospel today is what one can do while he or she is still on the way! While you still have the time and the opportunity, better reform your life, warns the Word today. At times we keep postponing our decision to turn good, and finally find there is no time or possibility, or that things have gone too far or we have already started facing the consequences of the erstwhile mistakes!

Why waste time while you know it is not going to help in the long run? Unnecessary cravings, unrealistic dreams, uncharitable priorities, ungodly presumptions, unfriendly attitudes, unholy practices...everything has to end! It is important to read the small signs that the Lord gives on our horizon and not wait until some terrible reminder comes our way.

Every one of us has some little point in life to be touched and transformed, reworked and reframed, deepened or levelled. At times we may set aside some signs as too small, (as small as the palm of the hand) or waste a precious moment blinded by our ego. It can happen to any of us: even the ones who consider themselves the most righteous.  Let us not waste time in our petty ego games!

The Lord wants us to make a choice, clear and concrete, for the sake of the Reign. Seek ye first the Reign of God... hasten to choose the Reign, lest you fail to belong to the Reign. Decide and Stand up for the Reign, while you are still on the way!