Tuesday, December 17, 2013

WORD 2day: 17th December, 2013

Danger of missing the Lord who comes # 2:

The first reading speaks of the sons of Jacob, and among them Judah who has to rule! The Gospel reading gives us the whole lineage of Jesus, the Christ who is to come! We look at those who are around us... we know them all - their history, their geography, their background... and with all these, we think we know them so much... that we can miss the Lord who wants to encounter us in them, in their words or gestures! There is a big danger that we look at some persons everyday or so regularly, that they no longer really mean anything to us. The second danger of missing the Lord who comes to us, is in the danger of Taking Persons for Granted.

Novena...Day 2... O Wisdom!!!

17th December: O Sapientia...

O Wisdom, coming forth from the mouth of the Most High

reaching from one end to the other,
mightily and sweetly ordering all things:
Come and teach us the way of prudence.

Based on Isaiah 11:2-3 and Isaiah 28:29... the antiphon recalls the most popular attribute given to the Spirit of the Lord and the Word of God which is seen active in creation and order of the universe. It is this Word, who becomes flesh to dwell among us (John 1:14). 

The Symbol used is often...the eye within the triangle, which symbolises the Omniscient God...the Wisdom of God. The Jewish or the Davidic lampstand (with 7 sticks) is used to refer to the Wisdom of God which has accompanied the people of God right from the origins of history!

The Prayer today is for PRUDENCE...to be guided always by the Lord, the Lord who dwells among us.