Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Sowing and Growing

Celebrating Deacon St. Lawrence - 10th August, 2016
2 Cor 9: 6-10; Jn 12: 24-26

Martyr St. Lawrence gives us the occasion to hear yet another time this classical lesson that the Lord wishes to give us: what you sow you reap; what you are you grow to be! It is important here to notice that the crucial element is not what we do or what we become, but what we are! This is what St. Paul calls, becoming a new person in Christ. To be so transformed in Christ and into Christ, that we are seen as Christ, as another Christ, as alter christus!

Every Martyr gives us this lesson: to die for Christ's sake. It does not mean only dying in the sense of losing one's life, but dying to oneself, dying to one's ego, dying to one's undue attachments, dying to one's fixed ideas, dying to one's weaknesses and fixations. That is martyrdom too...a martyrdom of a totally different nature, a martyrdom that is required of everyone. A martyrdom that has to be undertaken with a sense of gratitude and cheerfulness, inspite of the inconveniences it can cause.

What have we sown around us? What are we growing into? Let us become aware of our sensibilities and check if we are cheerful givers, who are ready to give up, in order to grow up!

WORD 2day: 9th August, 2016

Live the Word from within

Tuesday, 19th week in Ordinary Time
Ezek 2:8 - 3:4; Mt 18: 1-5, 10-14

The first reading today has a beautiful symbolism...the Lord tells the prophet to eat the scroll and then to go and speak to the people the Word of God. The idea is clear - there is not use in knowing what the Lord says, or saying what the Lord says - what matters is living what the Lord says. That we will be able to do only if the word resides within us - thus the call to EAT the scroll containing the Word.

The disciples, we see today in the Gospel, heard the word from Jesus, spoke about it, but they never personalised it. They were unaffected by the Word and that is why they were worried about who will be the greatest among them. The Lord challenges them to listen to the word, eat the word and live the word from within! Are we prepared, because the Lord calls us too!