Monday, February 18, 2019

From Very Good to Despicable - Beware!

February 19, 2019

Tuesday, 6th week in Ordinary time
Genesis 6: 5-8, 7: 1-5,10; Mark 8: 14-21

The narrator records in the book of Genesis that the Lord, when the entire creation was in its place little by little, felt that they were good. But when God made the human person, God felt that was VERY GOOD. Nowhere did God regret for having created the rest of the creation. But for having created the human persons, God did...and we hear that in today's Word. Human beings slid rapidly from a grade so high as 'very good' to a grade as despicable as God looking to wipe them off from the face of the earth. Thanks to Noah, things worked out differently. 

One Noah, became the turning point for entire humanity and entire creation, as the story goes. Can I be that one person who can stand up and make a difference? If I have to be so, first of all I have to beware of the influence of sin and sinfulness which can pervade my entire being without my realisation and change my nature - as does the yeast that leavens the entire dough. 

Secondly, the challenge is that I need to keep my goodness growing, my light shining, that I could become that influence that can compensate for the evil around. What is my status today: anywhere between very good and despicable?

The despicable state is what we are warned of: a danger that we become a leaven of insincerity,  compromises,  mediocrity and hypocrisy. Even though we may not outwardly choose to be blatantly evil,  we may live a life of double or multiple standards,  a life of total discrepancy; that kind of a life would not only be unfit for Reign, but would be dangerously against the Reign.

The True Offering: the Inner Spirit

18th February, 2019

Monday, 6th week in Ordinary time

Genesis 4: 1-15, 25; Mark 8: 11-13

I remember from my childhood memories that we heard the story of Cain, as though he brought some rotten fruits and leftovers while Abel brought the best of his flock's firstlings. Maybe, it's just a bias. Notice, there is nothing said in the Word that Cain's offering was rotten;  yes, it was not acceptable, but not because it was not of international standards or of the best known quality. 

However the question from the Lord gives us the reason Cain's offering was abominable: because of the heart with which it was offered. His heart was probably filled with envy,  pride and malice and that renders even the best of gifts worthless.

The Gospel presents another scene where Jesus is upset with the Pharisees and the Scribes. While there are many instances where many had asked him for healing and miracles and he had no issues with them, today in the Word we see that people ask for a sign and Jesus is he is worked up. ..the reason is simple: what lay in their heart as they asked for it.  Feelings of animosity, pride,  envy and hypocrisy.

When we come to the presence of the Lord to pray,  let us check our inner disposition first. Are we worthy to behold the presence of the Lord? Our choices and our life have to be integral to live our daily life with our heads held high. The true offering is the inner spirit.