Wednesday, August 9, 2017

WORD 2day: 9th August, 2017

You become what you believe

Wednesday, 18th week in Ordinary Time
Num 13:1-2,25 - 14:1,26-29,34-35; Mt 15: 21-28

'Woman, great is your faith! Let it be unto you as you have believed' said Jesus and the girl was healed, because she believed that the girl could be healed. 

'I shall do to you just as you have said' the Lord told Israel and they spent 40 long years in the desert, because they did not believe they could take over the land as the Lord directed them. 

The Word has this to declare to us: you become what you believe. Beware what you really believe! The worst thing that I can do to myself is, be negligent about the Lord with me. The Lord is with me, and if I am conscious of that presence, my attitude towards life will be completely transformed by that consciousness. If I believe theoretically in the presence of the Lord but am insensitive to it in reality, the loser is me! 

If I believe the Lord is with me, specially during moments of crisis and difficulty, I would emerge victorious in the name of the Lord. If I fail to believe in the presence of the Lord with me, great is my worry and heavy is my labour, and the result - it is all left to chances! Lord I believe and I am certain I shall behold the best you have prepared for me!