Sunday, June 23, 2019

We are not here by chance


June 24, 2019: Birthday of St. John the Baptist

The Gospels narrate a long list of similarities between the stories of John and Jesus... the apparently 'impossible' conditions in which the mothers conceived, the direct intervention of God in the conception, the apparitions of the angels to the fathers, the prior choice of the name of the child to be born - one simple message is the image of John the Baptist as the precursor of Jesus. But the birth narratives of John and Jesus, together have another important message to reveal to us and that is, we are not here by chance! 

We are part of a complex plan, an eternal design of God. We are willed into existence by God; we are loved into existence, by the Creator! We have a purpose, because God knew us right when we were being formed in the womb of our mothers! We have a special mission because, it is the Lord who has called us by name, even before we were born! We are chosen in the eyes of God, because as St. Paul says, God has chosen us before the foundations of the world in Christ Jesus, to be holy and blameless! 

We are created, called, commissioned and destined to usher in the Reign of God, as John announced the coming of  Christ. Let us become aware of our call, our purpose and our destiny, which is much larger than the petty preoccupations of our daily worries!


Solemnity of Corpus Christi - June 23, 2019

Genesis 14:18-20; 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26; Luke 9: 11-17

I am the bread come down from heaven, one who eats of this bread will have eternal life!

It is the feast of self giving of the Lord who came down from heaven!
The Word has prepared us during the week towards this great celebration...

I can give to receive...not just a mundane reception of a return for my giving; but I can give to receive something spiritual, to receive, may be, a blessing from God , to receive an affirmation from the Divine Giver... Melchizedek brought out bread and wine and Abraham gave him the one tenth... all in view of receiving the divine protection.

There was only one who gave, only to be received... notice, it is in passive! He gives, it is upto me to receive or not!!! He gives, to be Received.

The Lord gave the body and the blood and this in remembrance of me... not just to remember him but remember to do what he did, in remembrance of him... to give of myself as he gave, in remembrance of him... He gives, to be Remembered, that he has invited me to give as he gave!

Yes, the Lord invites me to give, as he invited the disciples to give the people to eat...'give them some food yourselves'. It's only when we give the people in need, we remain the Lord's disciples. To make us learn that we need to give always of ourselves to the others in need, He gives, to Remain within us... He comes to us to transform us into Himself, to be givers, to be givers who give of ourselves to others, without passing the buck to someone else.

Yes, the Lord, everyday gives himself to me and so...