Thursday, January 23, 2020


Friday - January 24, 2020


The WORD says...

Acts 28: 3-6.

“Paul had gathered a bundle of brushwood and was putting it on the fire, when a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. When the natives saw the creature hanging from his hand, they said to one another, ‘This man must be a murderer; though he has escaped from the sea, justice has not allowed him to live.’ He, however, shook off the creature into the fire and suffered no harm. They were expecting him to swell up or drop dead, but after they had waited a long time and saw that nothing unusual had happened to him, they changed their minds and began to say that he was a god.”

Let us PRAY...

Almighty God,
we turn to You with repentant hearts.
In our sincere quest for Your truth,
purify us from our unjust opinions of others 
and lead the churches to grow in communion.

Help us let go of our fears,
and so better understand each other                    
and the stranger in our midst,
and dare to love the rejected.

We ask this in the name of the Just One,

Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Let us REFLECT...

Have you ever changed your mind about someone, for the better? Why? 

- How has your church related to churches and congregations with very different theological ideas and/or cultures?

- Who are the outcasts in your community? How can your church better reach out to them?

What to DO...
Find inspiration from stories of inclusion and overcoming prejudice in India.
How are you as churches working with those on the fringes of society? Find out how you could be supported to do more.  
Take steps to tackle prejudice or exclusion in your life and community.


Beware of people with you!


January 24, 2020: Remembering St. Francis de Sales 
1 Samuel 24: 3-21; Mark 3: 13-19

Saul had his men with him,  David had his own men with him and Jesus gets his own men ready today! Each of us has a group of people who surround us. A backup group that suggests,  supports and sustains us in the life journey. But it is important that we beware of the group! It can make or mar us... depending on the level of importance given to them. 

The group with Saul assisted him in his pursuit of irrational vengeance. Whether they were convinced of it or not, we do not know. But they were intent on approving of whatever Saul was doing! A great affection given but no real love, as love will never rejoice in evil.

The group with David instigated murder of the reigning king. Luckily David had some sense reigning his mind, if not he could have easily been misled and he would not be known today as what he is. The group was ready to be taught by David's example, and not pressurise him - very rare to find such a group, unless we ourselves are extremely strong on our values. 

Though Jesus picked and chose the group with him, there was a traitor right amidst them. Not that Jesus did not expect it - he knew how weak and unprepared they were. But he accepted them as they were. Here is a group so human but it grew to be powerful because of the influence of their Leader! What would you want to be: dragged by the people who surround you or form a truly edifying community as persons together?

St. Francis de Sales, whom we remember today was a loving and kind saintly Bishop who led scores of people to God, founded congregations and inspired many others to found too! He comes across as a person who followed Christ and led everyone to follow Christ - a great example of how we need to relate with the people around us!

Pay heed to the Word today: Fill your atmosphere with God fearing persons and your life will be doubly blessed. Allow God above all to guide you, not those who wish their own gains and glory. Beware of those around you who create an opinion within you. Seeking guidance and support is great, but beware from whom!