Thursday, May 26, 2016

WORD 2day: 26th May, 2016

Seeing and Being Seen

Thursday, 8th week in Ordinary time
1 Pet 2: 2-5,9-12; Mk 10: 28-31

One cannot live a Christian in isolation...that is the crux of the message today! Because being a Christian involves a lot of seeing and being seen. I need to see myself and understand who I really am. I need to see things around and hear the helpless cries of people readily. I need to see who I am surrounded with and why I am wherever I am. I need to see what really matters in a given situation - maintaining the decorum or causing a disorder towards greater sense of life and love?

It involves being seen a lot too! Being seen as different, as honourable, as trust worthy, as reliable, as outgoing, as sensitive, as dedicated, as capable of true compassion, as persons with a definitive but a different set of priorities, as people who make a difference for the rest of the world around them.

Let us learn to see, and be prepared and worthy of being seen, as the One who called us does!