Wednesday, October 1, 2014

WORD 2day: 2nd October, 2014

Learning to See - Celebrating the Accompanying God!

Job 19: 21-27;Mt 18: 1-5, 10

Feast of the Guardian Angels is an invitation to see, to see and perceive, to see and acknowledge, to see and experience the accompaniment of the Lord in a concrete manner. Every moment of our lives, we are being watched over and protected in love. We believe in an accompanying God, a God who has promised, never to leave us and to be with us till the end of this world. 

The reading from Job insists that the Lord exists, and has always existed, right beside us! We become aware of it progressively, we begin to believe in it as we experience things that happen around us. We learn to see, to see God present with us unceasingly. The Gospel instructs us against taking anyone for granted; because no one is alone! Every one is accompanied, by none less than our God itself. We celebrate today the accompanying God; may we grow to be more and more perceptive to the presence of God with us and see God accompanying us on our life journey.