Wednesday, September 18, 2013

WORD 2day

19th September, 2013

What matters most is the love one has for God! The world looks for reasons to despise - be it that one is small or young, or that one is evil or despicable! But what matters most before God, is the love that one has for God. Love brings forgiveness too because true love is a commitment; and love for God is in practical terms a commitment to remain with God and never to stray. When that commitment, or love resides in one's heart - one would 'pay attention to oneself and to one's teachings' and thus 'save oneself and save the hearers'(cf. 1 Tim 4:16). Do not say that you are young, the Lord warned Jeremiah! The warning is to all of us, because each of us is anointed by the hands of God at our baptism and we participate in the Royal priesthood of Christ, the high priest. It's not if we are small or if we are sinners - what matters most is the love that I have in my heart for God - a true love, a true commitment!

WORD 2day

18th September, 2013

Conformity and Compromise seem to be the most acceptable modes of social living in today's context. What if someone refuses to conform - thank one's fortunes if he or she is a success; if the person bungles, he or she is termed - 'weird', 'good-for-nothing', 'worthless', 'abnormal', 'hard headed', 'stubborn' or so on. Living by values and standing up for God, today seems to be an out-of-fashion attitude. But the only way to belong to the "household of God"(1 Tim 3:15) is by our way of living! Inspite of the pressurising crowd, the preposterous situations or the prejudiced society, one is called to remain a disciple of Christ, in word, deed and thought. It is a vocation 24/7; it is a call every moment of the day and every day of the year! Both ways are open to us : the easier option to conform to the world - dancing to its tunes or playing to its moves, or the tough call to 'put on the mind of Christ' (Phil 2:5). Paul said it plainly in his letter, "do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the ...will of God" (Rom 12:2).