Saturday, November 5, 2016

WORD 2day: 5th November, 2016

The Master Issue

Saturday, 31st week in Ordinary Time
Phil 4: 10-19; Lk 16: 9-15

Who is your master? 

Wealth? What would you do with it when your life is gone? Wealth is useful only as much as it can give you a happiness that will not ruin the eternal joy that the Lord has in store for you. Wealth has to be your servant, serving your purposes, not your master getting its purposes fulfilled.

Goodwill of Others? What do you seek - human respect or acceptability in the eyes of God? What would the opinion of others matter, when it keeps changing according to their whims and fancies. How much do you want to change and how long and what for? For the sake of others? Or would you like to image yourself after the will of God?

Is God your Master... if so you would please God and God alone. In God we trust, we proclaim; but put our trust in so many factors. Raise that question to yourself: who is your Master?