Tuesday, December 30, 2014

WORD 2day: 31st December, 2014

Thank you Lord for 2014

1 Jn 2: 18-21; Jn 1: 1-18

There is a discussion of the last hour today in the readings and indeed it is the last hour of this year! As we begin this day, let our hearts be filled with thanksgiving! The light, the true light, the Word, the Eternal word is here amidst us! Let this day be dedicated to thank the Lord for all the good that the Lord has done for us in the year that is just passing by. 

We would do well today to list the goodness that we have enjoyed from the Lord. It would do good also to list the not-so-happy experiences and find out what they have to tell us for our life. It would be wonderful if we review our lives once again today, affirm to ourselves the marks of the people of God; and resolve to do away with those that do not fit in.

There is one message that the Word wants to leave strongly in our minds, as we end this year and get ready to start a new one, and that is: "The Word has become flesh; and dwells among us!" The Lord is with us and that is the note of hope with which we await the new year! Good bye 2014!

WORD 2day: 30th December, 2014

Surrender or Manipulation? What is our disposition?

1 Jn 2: 12-17; Lk 2: 36-40

World or things of the world as opposed to the love of the Father: by now it is considered an outdated way of thinking. Indeed the dichotomy that is involved and implied is a bit old fashioned but the difference between the two choices, is real and concrete. Even our prayer for example could have within itself hidden a sense of giving more importance to the world and the things of the world instead of our love for God our Father and Mother. 

Just yesterday, there was the last minute preparation going on for a mega event, while unfortunately the forecast was for a likely cyclone showers! Immediately a group got down to pray and say, 'please stop the rain'! Praying here is something wonderful, but a subtle point to be noted here is: how prepared are we to accept the will of God in things that we have planned; instead of asking the Lord to adjust to our designs?

Whoever does the will of God remains for ever, reminds St. John in his epistle today (v.17). Prophetess Anna, or even Prophet Simeon for that matter, waited for years together, in relentless patience towards the will of God. Can we really abandon ourselves to the will of God: a surrender so beautifully symbolised by the Divine Kid in the manger these days!