Monday, May 25, 2015

WORD 2day: 26th May, 2015

Honest and Unattractive Marketing

Tuesday,  8th week in OrdinaryTime
Sir 35: 1-12; Mk 10: 28-31

Buy one get two; pay less get more;  paisa vasool... these are well known marketing techniques followed by the business brands, big or small. At the most the attempt to be sincere would be marked with an asterisk in smallest font size possible and stated "conditions apply" - all an attempt to hide what it really costs.

But today Jesus seems to be inviting people promising them 100 fold of what they give up and adds 'persecutions and death' too as inevitable part of the package - plain and clear! The First reading too promises sevenfold of what we offer to the Lord, but insists: 'offer no bribes, these God does not accept! Trust not in sacrifice of the fruits of extortion.'
It's all an unattractive type of marketing but honest. The fruits of discipleship is all made known to us. ..and along with it, what it truly costs. Will that kind of a propaganda attract many;  yes, many among those who honour honesty and dare to pick up the cross.

WORD 2day: 25th May, 2015


Monday,  8th week in Ordinary Time
Sir 17: 20-24; Mk 10: 17-27

We resume our normal journey after a long, eventful and significant detour into joys and sorrows,  passions and glories, pains and victories of Christ. The readings today present Jesus too about to set on a journey and Jesus gives us a clear and splendid orientation for our journey.

Live your life, all for God! While you still have the time come back to God from your strange ways. There may be great intense moments when you feel connected with God. Those are gifts,  do cherish them. But your faithfulness to God has to be seen in the normal long run, in the daily choices and determining priorities you possess. Seek perfection and there is no end to that journey; it goes on and on until you be all for God!